We are in mid-March, the first buds are pointing their little noses! The Sakuras (cherry blossoms) are adorned with a magnificent bloom and the sun stays a little more there, awake, with us. It’s time to uncover the trees and plants of their wintering veil, the Bonsaïkas can start repotting, the size of the trees is in order, we pack anoraks and moon-boots. Powdery mildews and other aphids are observed with dread. We will soon fall in love, spring comes and gardeners are summoned! 😉

Helvetikart 2019 © Mehdi Benaïssa

Helvetikart 2019 © Mehdi Benaïssa
Maples also reveal us little by little their young colored shoots. Here are some of the earliest reminders of how much their foliage we have missed all winter. First, a still new variety, unknown in Europe and rare cultivar Acer Palmatum HONOKA is adorned with a beautiful yellow foliage. A tree like this planted in the garden can reach 10 ft high and 4ft wingspan. If protected from the winds and high temperatures, it will flourish no doubt in one of your garden!

Then, a very particular variety that takes a name almost wild, Acer Palmatum SHISHI GASHIRA (the lion’s mane) begins to show these green leaves clenched. This variety is simply original! Shrub with very compact port, it lends itself perfectly in pot on a terrace or as in Bonsai … During the articles of lighting of a variety which will emerge with the wire of the documentary, you will learn to know this species until you put in roar!

Acer Palmatum Shishi Gashira – Helvetikart 2019 © Mehdi Benaïssa

Acer Palmatum Shishi Gashira – Maillot-Erable © Guy Maillot
We will therefore publish specific articles for maple varieties so that you can meet them little by little! All this takes time of course … especially that the photos we offer are all original photos. And above all, do not forget to check out our crowdfunding campaign!
Mehdi Benaïssa
“Still, sitting without doing anything, spring comes, grass grows.”
Chinese wisdom